Contact Form 7 5.2

Contact Form 7 5.2 is now available. This is the first major update in 20 months and includes a lot of improvements and bug fixes. I recommend that you upgrade immediately.

Notice that Contact Form 7 5.2 requires WordPress 5.3 or greater to work. Since WordPress 5.3 requires PHP 5.6.20+ (WordPress recommends PHP 7.4+), Contact Form 7 5.2 cannot work in the PHP 5.2 to 5.5 environments.

Requires: WordPress 5.3 or higher
Tested up to: WordPress 5.4.2

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jQuery events abolished

As part of the gradual process of transitioning from jQuery to modern JavaScript frameworks, in Contact Form 7 5.2 the use of jQuery events has been abolished. If you use jQuery events in your custom code, now is the time to replace them with DOM events.

Changes in response box styles

There are some changes in the frontend CSS stylesheet. If you customize the style with your theme or plugin, we advise testing the styles carefully with Contact Form 7 5.2.

A slight but confusing change is the coloring of the response output box. As with previous versions, there are four colors used. Each color implies a different submission status.

  • Green: The form submission has completed successfully, and mail has been sent.
  • Yellow: The form submission has been aborted because there are fields with invalid input.
  • Orange: The form submission has been aborted because suspicious spam attempts have been detected.
  • Red: The form submission has completed successfully, but it has failed in sending mail.

Contact Form 7 5.2 introduces a new color scheme based on the WordPress standard. Because the colors are little bit darker than previous colors, you might confuse red and orange, or orange and yellow.

Four types of response output box; showing examples of green, yellow, orange, and red bordered box.
Examples of response output boxes in Contact Form 7 5.2

Change log

  • Submission: Introduces the $posted_data_hash and $skip_spam_check properties.
  • Submission: Introduces the wpcf7_skip_spam_check filter hook.
  • Contact form: Introduces the pref() method.
  • REST API: Adds parsed form-tags data to the response.
  • REST API: Deprecates the wpcf7_ajax_json_echo and wpcf7_ajax_onload filter hooks and introduces the wpcf7_feedback_response and wpcf7_refill_response filter hooks as alternatives.
  • Frontend CSS: Style rules for the response output refer to the form element’s class attribute.
  • Frontend JavaScript: Abolishes the use of jQuery events.
  • reCAPTCHA: Moves script code to a separate file.
  • reCAPTCHA: Changes the name of the field for reCAPTCHA response token from g-recaptcha-response to _wpcf7_recaptcha_response.