“Contact Form 7” is a trademark of Rock Lobster, LLC. (a Japan-based company behind the development of the WordPress plugin, Contact Form 7). The following trademark policy was developed primarily to protect users from products or services that use the “Contact Form 7” name in a confusing manner.
It is prohibited to use the “Contact Form 7” name and its variants, such as “contact-form-7”, “Contact Form7”, “Contactform7”, etc., as part of any project, product, service, domain (including subdomain), or company name, or in any kind of advertisement.
As an exception to the above rule, in cases where you distribute plugins on the WordPress Plugin Directory (wordpress.org), you can use “Contact Form 7” in your plugin name as long as you follow Directory guidelines. These clear guidelines require respect for trademarks and outline the consequences of their inappropriate use, such as the failure of moderators to accept your plugins.
A general term “Contact Form” without “7” or an unofficial abbreviated form “CF7” are not covered by this trademark.
Feel free to mention the “Contact Form 7” name in your blog, presentation, or any kind of document, but we ask you to avoid any suggestion of affiliation with or endorsement by the trademark owner or the project of Contact Form 7 plugin development.