Contact Form 7 2.1

Contact Form 7 2.1 is now available; this is the first major update in the past six months, and it contains a great number of improvements and fixes for various bugs. It has been tested on the latest version of WordPress. Upgrade and utilize these exciting new features today.


  • The required WordPress version has been changed and now requires WordPress 2.8 or higher. If you use WordPress 2.7, you will need to upgrade WordPress.
  • New “special mail tags” ([wpcf7.post_id], [wpcf7.post_name], [wpcf7.post_title], and [wpcf7.post_url]) have been introduced.
  • The multilingualization functionality has been improved. You are now able to create contact forms in any languages with just a few clicks.
  • The Tag Generator’s JavaScript coding has been wholly reconstructed and you can extend it from the additional modules.
  • Interoperability with cache plugins (WP Super Cache, etc.) has been improved.
  • When known issues are found on your web host, a warning message is shown on the administration panel.
  • Uninstall.php file has been added. This will clean up its table from your database when you remove Contact Form 7 from your site.
  • Translations for Estonian (by Egon Elbre), German (by Ivan Graf), Hindi (by Ashish) and Italian (by Gianni Diurno) have been updated.