Contact Form 7 4.4 has just been released. I recommend you upgrade because the new version has a lot of improvements, which I’ll describe below.
Configuration Validator
Over the past few months, we found a lot of users had mistakes in their contact form configuration that were causing serious troubles, including mail delivery failure.
To reduce this problem, Contact Form 7 4.4 has introduced Configuration Validator. With this tool, you can validate your contact form configurations and detect errors.
Started Migration to
We have started the process of gradually migrating translations to Just before this release, I removed 7 language (Japanese, Hungarian, Dutch, Azerbaijani, Portuguese (Portugal), Croatian, and Swedish) files from the plugin package so that those language files are supplied from
Language Selector Retired
The language selector, which was displayed on Add New Contact Form screen in the previous versions to allow you to select the language of the new contact form, has been retired.
This functionality was introduced 6 years ago when Contact Form 7 2.1 was released. Even at the time, it was obvious that providing localized content was out of the contact form plugin’s territory; multilingual plugins should handle that. However, there were no good multilingual plugins I could recommend to users, so I had no choice but to implement the minimum necessary functionality in Contact Form 7.
Now we have several options for good multilingual plugins, such as Polylang, MultilingualPress, Babble, and Bogo, so I thought it was time to retire the language selector. The multilingual plugins can switch the locale setting of WordPress, and Contact Form 7 provides contact forms in the current locale.
By the way, if you are looking for multilingual plugins, I recommend Bogo (because I developed it 😎 ).
Requires: WordPress 4.3 or higher
Tested up to: WordPress 4.4.2
» Download Contact Form 7 plugin from
Change Log
- The configuration validator has been introduced.
- The language selector has been removed from Add New Contact Form screen.
- Attach a plain text version of the message when sending HTML mail.
- Added do_not_store additional setting to tell data storage add-ons not to store data through the contact form.
- The minimum required WordPress version has been changed from 4.2 to 4.3.