Contact Form 7 5.0

Contact Form 7 5.0 is now available. With growing awareness of personal data protection, we are working on improvements that will allow you to make contact forms more privacy-friendly. Some of these changes are included in 5.0. Also, with newly introduced filter hooks and special mail tag types, customizability of mail has been significantly improved.

Acceptance Checkbox

Acceptance checkbox is one of the form-tag types that Contact Form 7 has long provided. It consists of a simple checkbox dedicated to confirming the submitter’s consent on a given condition.

We decided to redefine this feature because it was no longer adequate to meeting increasing requirements. Obtaining explicit consent in advance of collecting personal data is now considered essential in terms of protecting privacy rights. Therefore, it is important to record who has consented to what conditions if there is a possibility of reusing the personal data.

With the new acceptance checkbox, you can specify a condition to consent to in the content part of the form-tag, and if the submitter consents to it, the fact will be recorded in a mail message, or in the database (Flamingo).

on_sent_ok Retired

The additional settings on_sent_ok and on_submit have been officially removed from this release. The reason behind this decision and the better alternative now offered were explained in this announcement post.

Requires: WordPress 4.8 or higher
Tested up to: WordPress 4.9.2

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Change Log

  • Additional settings: on_sent_ok and on_submit have been removed.
  • New additional setting: skip_mail
  • Flamingo: Inbound channel title changes in conjunction with a change in the title of the corresponding contact form.
  • DOM events: Make an entire API response object accessible through the event.detail.apiResponse property.
  • HTML mail: Adds language-related attributes to the HTML header.
  • File upload: Sets the accept attribute to an uploading field.
  • Introduces the WPCF7_MailTag class.
  • Allows aborting a mail-sending attempt using the wpcf7_before_send_mail action hook. Also, you can set a custom status and a message through the action hook.
  • Acceptance checkbox: Allows the specifying of a statement of conditions in the form-tag’s content part.
  • Acceptance checkbox: Supports the optional option.
  • New special mail tags: [_site_title], [_site_description], [_site_url], [_site_admin_email], [_invalid_fields], [_user_login], [_user_email], [_user_url], [_user_first_name], [_user_last_name], [_user_nickname], and [_user_display_name]
  • New filter hooks: wpcf7_upload_file_name, wpcf7_autop_or_not, wpcf7_posted_data_{$type}, and wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced_{$type}
  • New form-tag features: zero-controls-container and not-for-mail