Category Archives: Releases

Contact Form 7 5.7

Contact Form 7 version 5.7 is now available. This is the second (and maybe last) major update in 2022.

As you can see in the Major changes section shown below, we packed (unusually) many improvements into this release. A lot of them are not eye-catching, but are necessary to make the plugin more reliable.

Our plans for next year include introduction of the block editor-based contact form editor. Contact Form 7 5.7 and minor updates that follow will pave a smooth road to the goal.

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Contact Form 7 5.5.6

Contact Form 7 5.5.6 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes several improvements and bug fixes.

Warning: Constant Contact users need action

This release also includes some important changes to the Constant Contact integration module which are necessary to accommodate Constant Contact’s new authorization API. If you use Constant Contact, be warned that you need to update your applications on the Constant Contact dashboard, and re-create connections to the new applications from this plugin’s Integration screen. Carefully checking the announcement from Constant Contact is advised.

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