Contact Form 7 4.5

The default contact form template has been modified for the first time in 8 years. The major change is the addition of label elements.

Using a label element to label a form control is recommended in accessibility guidelines. In earlier versions, the default template didn’t use label elements, so you had to add them on your own if you wanted to make your form accessible.

In the early versions released before 2008, label elements were used in their default template, but they were abandoned for a reason.

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Contact Form 7 4.4.2

The last Sunday was WordPress Global Translation Day and we had a lot of contribution to the Contact Form 7 translation. Thank you everybody! Now we have 22 language packs available from

If you are using Contact Form 7 in those languages, after updating the plugin, don’t forget to go to the WordPress Updates page (Dashboard > Updates) and update translations. Enjoy Contact Form 7 in your language.

Continue reading Contact Form 7 4.4.2

HTML is not allowed in messages

In the Messages tab in a contact form editor screen, you can edit messages that Contact Form 7 displays in different situations. In the messages, you can only use plain text; do not use HTML tags and entities.

Allowing HTML in a message can be a security risk; Contact Form 7 4.4 and later forcibly strip HTML when displaying the message. Review the Messages tab to make sure that you don’t have any HTML there.

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Translations Migrate to

This is an announcement for volunteer translators.

Thanks to your enormous effort, Contact Form 7 is now available in 64 languages. This is great, and I appreciate your contributions.

As you may already know, (GlotPress) has been introduced as the translation infrastructure for WordPress and related projects. It added plugin translation support last year.

Plugin Translations on

Translating on has a lot of advantages; for example, you can translate collaboratively to share the burden with other translators.

We are going to migrate translations to

Next time you update the translation, please do it on For the details of, refer to the Translator Handbook. Also, I updated the instruction page for beginner translators.

Contact Form 7 4.4 is scheduled to be released next month. I’ll check the status of translations just before the release, and if there are languages that are 100% translated at the time, I’ll remove the corresponding language (.mo) files from the plugin package so that the translations on are used preferentially.

Just another contact form plugin for WordPress. Simple but flexible.